Holy cow! November just FLEW by. So fast. Crazy fast.
The month began in November: barista at starbucks magically got my name right and the holiday cups began / cheered on the marathon runners in nyc alongside a brass band (so cool) / loved this guy’s marathon sign “one step closer to beer” / love the magical fall light this time of year
Flew down to North Carolina for work and did an awesome family session at a park in Raleigh: jaw droppingly gorgeous autumn colors
Back to NYC: spotted this pink pooch on Prince St in SoHo / my sister and I facetimed so I could meet her cute little puppy “Bill Murray” / went to the dr to get a bunch of vaccinations for my upcoming adventure to aaaaffrrriiiiccccaaaa / flew over Manhattan on a clear day headed down for an early Thanksgiving with my fam
Long weekend in Nashville: went to the Franklin Theatre with my mom and dad for a Christmas concert / had a deeeeeeelishhhhh Thanksgiving meal with mom and dad and a really great weekend getting spoiled by them
Back to NYC: somehow ended up at the Apple Store in Grand Central buying my new iPad Mini (loooove it) on the day before Thanksgiving. Grand Central. Duh… so dumb of me.
instagram {november 2013}