Karin and Dennis have been “girlfriend and boyfriend” for 17 years, living in two different states (Massachusetts and Rhode Island). This past summer they moved in together in a beautiful new home in Venice, Florida and decided to finally get married!
They asked me to take wedding portraits around their beautiful neighborhood before the intimate marriage ceremony.

They were both SO happy to be getting married, full of smiles and dressed beautifully! They are both so kind and loving; I loved getting to know them and witness their sweet relationship.

Have I mentioned how much I love the foliage in Florida? Greenery and gorgeous trees everywhere!

After the wedding portraits, we headed over to the Venice courthouse for their marriage to become legal. I love that they allow the ceremony to take place outside instead of inside the dark courtroom.

Dennis’ siblings, who live nearby, joined them for the ceremony before they all headed off for a celebratory wedding lunch.

Karin and Dennis — wishing you the happiest of marriages; thank you so much for allowing me to document your special day for you!
Karin + Dennis: Married at Last! | Sarasota Wedding Photographer