There’s nothing more important than family! I hope you and your family are safe and healthy during this surreal time. It feels like the world has turned upside down, doesn’t it?
During this time of self distancing, I’m hearing about so many families finding more time for connection and joy, spending time together in ways that they weren’t doing before Covid-19 arrived here in Florida. I’m sure these moments are happening in your homes right now, with so many of you working from home, schools being closed, and college kids home as well!
A Massachusetts photographer named Cara Soulia came up with the idea of The Front Steps Project recently, which aims to bring communities together (abiding by strict social distancing!) in a time when we are isolated, and at the same time raise money for those who are struggling. Photographers all over the world have joined in to document this strange, momentous time by taking Front Steps Portraits.
The sessions were quick (no more than 5 minutes!) and took place on their front steps. I took images from at least 20 feet away (with my longest lens!) so we were all socially responsible and kept our distance. I took these photos free of charge, and in exchange each family vowed to help support our local small businesses by purchasing a gift card, ordering a take out meal from a local restaurant, or donating to a local charity of their choice.
I took these photos by walking around the neighborhood with my camera to the neighbors’ homes who signed up.
PLEASE NOTE: As soon as the governor of Florida announced a stay at home order, I ceased this project. I’m happy it brought joy to these families the first couple weeks after the pandemic was announced! Wishing you all health and safety!
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